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" This picture was taken during the Labor Day parade when Gabby was standing on the side of the road with her best friend and other kids holding their bags as they await people from the parade throw out candy. Coincidentally, Gabby at this time was taking a break from her little Red Cross mission where she was selling lemonade at the parade in an effort to raise some money as her donation to the Hurricane Katrina victims. She was able to raise $37 in the 2 hours she was there. The whole lemonade thing was really her idea.

Funny, as I am writing this, I realize that there is more to a picture of a 9 year-old in her black shoes. If people bothered to know more about the person wearing them, then one would get a glimpse of a person's character...probably a bit of where she came from and more significantly where she intends to go in life. "
Second layer of stuff