About CAC


Engaged, Enriched,
Photo Gallery
Franciscan Youth Center
Quilt Making
The Franciscan Youth Center (FYC) is a faith-based organization located in Baltimore’s Barclay-Midway neighborhood. FYC’s after school program provides a safe environment where relationships of trust can be developed. Programs provide experiences for youth to seize opportunities to develop skills needed to become productive and responsible citizens.

This spring, FYC introduced a cooking program where students not only learn about healthy eating habits but learn to cook healthy meals from a variety of cultures. To supplement the learning from the cooking program, I have integrated the theme of culture into this semester’s art projects. We started with a quilting project inspired by the technique of applique, story-telling and quilting found in African tribes and early American traditions. With the help of CAP interns Julia DiBussolo and Whitney Frazier, a large group of youth were able to participate in the project.

The starting point for the project was a discussion of self-portraiture and symbol. A variety of media and techniques were available for experimentation– fabric, needles and thread, glue, paint, buttons, beads and markers. Each youth created a quilt square describing some aspect of themselves. The assortment of media used by the middle schoolers made for an excited and somewhat chaotic afternoon of creating. The process was a bit more refined a few days later when we worked with the elementary grades.

In the photo, second grader Dashia Pennington proudly poses with one of her finished quilt squares – a self-portrait in fabric and glue. Dashia used paint and sewed on other fabric pieces with her first square. She enjoyed the process so much, she came another day to try a new technique.

Over the next few weeks, the quilt will be sewn together by a combination of CAP interns, myself and the youth. By the end of the semester, we will have a story quilt about the youth at FYC.


Jeannie Anderson,
Community Artist at Franciscan Youth Center

Jeannie Anderson first began community work after three unfulfilling years in the corporate world of architecture in St. Louis. In 2002, she relocated to Baltimore to serve as a construction assistant with Chesapeake Habitat for Humanity. As the art instructor at the Franciscan Youth Center (FYC), she provides the young people with opportunities to explore through hands-on arts-bases activities.

“I know good things are happening when they’re so engaged in a project that they come to art early, continue working in their free time or skip gym, I know I’m in the right place.”

Sandi McFadden, Executive Director
Alvarez Dixon, Program Director

Franciscan Youth Center
2209 Greenmount Ave.

site design by shsarts
steven h silberg