The Julie Community Center is a small faith based organization located in Southeast Baltimore. They help low and fixed-income residents access needed resources and support, develop instruments that combat poverty and urban decline as well as fostering individual and neighborhood pride, participation, and self-determination.
I work with approximately ten children in the after school program at the Julie Center, ranging in ages from eight to thirteen years old. Over the past seven months I have watched these children faithfully attend the center. Many have been participating since they were small children. We work twice a week for approximately an hour and a half each session. Using a variety of themes and materials, we make art. From painting murals to plaster casting, the children have excelled as they have faced their fears and tried new processes.
We began the after school art program with an ambitious project: designing and painting a mural. Through the center’s relationship with Commodore John Rogers Elementary school in Upper Fells Point, we were invited to create a mural on the side of the school. It was a challenging project but it turned out quite lovely. Each of the children sketched an idea that was then combined to form a cohesive picture. Flying up in the sky is Chicky’s rocket and Kristina’s heart shaped balloon. Further down in the image you will find Jason’s palm tree and Juana’s flowers. Later this spring, we will complete the mural by adding the children’s phrase, “If you believe, you will succeed” inside the book.
This experience taught us all that quality art cannot happen in one hour, and all challenges can be worked around. I knew from that point on that although I have limited time with the children, and that our projects would take a while to complete, I had them consistently every Monday and Thursday. This was better than having different children everyday. Although the children would like to complete a project in one sitting, we all agree that it feels good to work hard and produce something beautiful, even if it takes a while.